Did you know that the human body has systems in place to actually handle allergans?
Allergies may be a sign of a weak immune system and can be thought of as our body's way of saying, "I'm overloaded, please stop!" Here are some ideas to reduce your overload, build a stronger immune system and manage symptoms naturally.
Diffuse essential oils that are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, inhibit dander, dust mites and mold:
- Clove (anti-histamine, anti-viral, immune stimulant)
- Ginger (rhinovirus)
- Lavender (anti-histamine)
- Lemon (immune stimulant)
- Peppermint (decongestant, anti-itch)
- RC essential oil blend
- Roman or German Chamomile (anti-histamine)
- Thieves essential oil blend
- Thyme vulgaris ct thymol (decongestant, anti-viral)
Blend 1 oz Unscented Aromalotion with 5 Total drops of essential oil. Massage well on chest, back and feet as needed. Avoid direct eye contact. Keep out of reach of children and pets.
Essential Oil Inhaler:
Place 15 Total drops of your choice of essential oil on blank cotton inhaler.
- Acupuncture: In a study, weekly acupuncture sessions showed promise as a treatment for relieving the symptoms of seasonal allergies
- Instead of Coffee, Pop and Diet Soda, try Nettle tea
- Avoid or Reduce Dairy
- Try Raw Agave, local, raw Honey, pure Maple Syrup, Pure Cane Sugar
- Certified Organic Wine (sulfite-free)
- In baking, try Brown Rice, Millet or Almond flour
- Read up on the health impacts of Artificial Sweeteners, i.e., Splenda, Aspartame, Sweet n Low
- Avoid foods and personal care products with with artificial colors and dyes
- Bee pollen (strengthens the immune system; purchase from local honey producer; discontinue if causes allergic reaction)
- Eliminate Air Fresheners, sprays and plug-ins, Perfumes, Colognes, Fragrant Candles
- Homepathic remedies for Allergies (Boiron is one brand found in some grocery stores and most health food stores)
- Drink clean water intake (use PUR water filter)
- Increase consumption of organic fruits, especially berries (they are amazing anti-oxidants!)
- Receive Massage, Do Relaxation techniques, Meditate, Take Yoga
- Purchase Plants that remove pollutants: Areca and Bamboo Palm, Boston fern, English ivy, Ficus, Peace lily, Rubber and Spider plant
- Purchase an air filter, which filters pollen, mold spores, dust
- Eliminate toxic, commercial, name-brand household cleaners, detergents and dryer sheets, e.g., Windex, Tilex, Tide, Clorox, Lysol, Scrubbing Bubbles, Ajax, etc.
- Use Baking Soda, White Distilled Vinegar, Borax, Thieves Household Cleaner Seventh Generation products
- Stop smoking
- Acidophilus, Life 5 Item #3099 from Young Living (powerful immune enhancer with digestive enzymes for improved digestion)
- Allerzyme Item #3288 from Young Living
- Calcium and magnesium, Super Cal Item #3244 from Young Living (needed to help reduce stress, use calcium chelate form)
- MSM, Sulfurzyme Item #3243 from Young Living (strengthens the immune system, has anti-allergic properties equal to or better than those of antihistamines)
- Super B Item #3240 from Young Living (proper digestion, nerve function, helps relieve wheezing and attacks)
- Quercetin (potent flavanoid found in apples, berries, grapefruit, onions, cabbage, tea, red wine) with Bromelain (found in pineapple) capsule
- Vitamin C: protects the body from allergens and moderates the inflammatory response
Local, Nettle Tea:
Healing Spirits Herb Farm in Avoca, NY
Blank Inhalers:
Aromatics International
Unscented Aromalotion (wonderful, truly, all-natural lotion - and you can pronounce all of the ingredients):
Elizabeth Van Buren
Essential Oil Diffusers:
Abundant Health
- Advanced Clinical Aromatherapy for Respiratory Disorders, Essential Oil Resource Consultants, 2007
- www.aaaai.org
- Health, Natural Medicine, Andrea Weil, M.D.
- Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Ed., Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
- www.webmd.com